A R T F A R - Gerald Isiguzo, The Bleddfa Centre

September 13, 2024 - September 16, 2024

  • Exhibition
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Price: FREE

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A R T F A R is the first solo art exhibition of a Nigerian Dominican priest Gerald Isiguzo OP, a visual artist, and currently a graduate student of Swansea College of Art and Design, whose vision is to create an immersive experience for audience participation and intercultural dialogues through art, music, and theology.

The acronym ARTFAR is a conceptual metaphor for exploring how 'Art Responds To Faith And Reason', and how it does so in ways that highlight the social and spiritual conditions of the human person as a social and religious being who constantly yearns for social connections, spiritual upliftment, and consummate pleasure and happiness.

Friday 13th September: 11am - 5pm
Saturday 14th September: 11am - 5pm
Sunday 15th September: 2pm - 5pm
Monday 16th September: 11am - 5pm

LOCATION: The Bleddfa Centre, Bleddfa, Knighton, LD7 1PA

Friday 13th September 2024 (11.00am – 5.00pm)
• 11.00am – opening preludes and welcoming of guests with live music by Gerald and some guest artistes
• 11.15am Artist Statement and PowerPoint Presentation on three Portfolios
• Portfolio 1: Early beginnings – the Nigerian Art Experience
• Portfolio 2: Midcareer advancements and participation in International art exhibitions
• Portfolio 3: Current research and practice at the Swansea College of Arts and Design, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) – MA Contemporary Dialogues in four modules, from Thought Experiment to Explorative Research and Praxis
• Conceptual clarifications: The Analogy of the ‘Used and Dumped’ from creatio ex nihilo to creatio ex materia,
• 12.00noon: the A R T F A R project and Fides et Ratio in Contemporary Dialogues
• 12.20pm A visual artist creates new narratives with live music: a blend of Nigerian and Western storytelling traditions
• Parishioners and Friends in Dialogue with Art: Investing the energy of the community in ‘art for peace on earth’, with prelude by Gerald, Peter and Christine on a song titled ‘Why War, Why not Peace?’
• 1.00pm Interval and light refreshments
• 1.30pm Exhibition tour and live performance
• 2.30pm-5.00pm ‘Something African’: free improvisation on Nigerian /African gospel music on highlife and reggae standards
• Questions, comments and feedbacks

Saturday 14th September 2024 (11.00am – 5.00pm)
• 11.00am – opening preludes and welcoming of guests with live music by Gerald and some guest artistes
• 11.30 Recapitulations: Collaboration, Participatory Art, and Relational Aesthetics
• 11.45pm Parishioners and Friends in Dialogue with Art: Investing the energy of the community in ‘art for peace on earth’, with prelude by Gerald, Peter and Christine on a song titled ‘Why War, Why not Peace?’
• 12.30pm: the A R T F A R project
• 12.45pm Exhibition tour with live performance
• 1.00pm Interval and light refreshments
• 1.30pm ‘Used and Dumped’: a live performance
• ‘Despised and rejected’: a Live performance
• ‘Drink Responsibly’: a live performance
• 3.00pm -5.00pm ‘Something African’: free improvisation on Nigerian /African gospel music on highlife and reggae standards
• Questions, comments and feedbacks

Sunday 15th September 2024 (2.00pm – 5.00pm)
• 2.00Pm – flexible programme for the day: Exhibition still open
• 3.00pm -5.00pm ‘Something African’: free improvisation on Nigerian /African gospel music on highlife and reggae standards
• Questions, comments and feedbacks: the ARTFAR project

Monday 16th September 2024 (11.00am – 5.00pm)
• 11.00am – flexible programme for the day: Exhibition still open
• the ARTFAR project
• 1.00pm -5.00pm ‘Something African’: free improvisation on Nigerian /African gospel music on highlife and reggae standards
• Questions, comments and feedbacks